Visual, DEVELOPMENTAL & EDUCATIONAL Services for your entire family



​​Our in-depth assessments of an individuals level of processing and performance, profiles areas of strengths and weaknesses. This information is then integrated into the individuals treatment plan, which is often applied both inside and outside of our office.  Additional testing provided by our office may include:

  • Early Intervention: screening, monitoring & treatment protocols

  • School Readiness Testing, which assesses a child's abilities and achievements in specific skills before transitioning into new learning environments

  • Educational Planning & Development, including summative evaluations and therapeutic determinations

  • ​Functional Performance Assessments, including developmental, cognitive and behavioral performance tests.

Very often, these developmental and educational assessments identify children with developmental delays or students who are "at risk." Baseline recordings are gathered and these assessments are on-going, as to progress each individual's improvements and development at 4, 6 and 12 month re-evaluations.

Does your child exhibit challenges in reading or learning? Do they see double or blurred?  Do they ever feel like they're "missing out" on pieces of the television program they're watching or even the teacher’s instructions? Do the words on a page ever appear to move around on the page? Do they have to go back and re-read in order to understand the material?

1 in every 4 children exhibit a vision problem.  This may include strabismus, 



At The Center for Visual Management, we offer specialized examinations and treatment that services infants through adults, with verbal and nonverbal abilities.  One notable testing device, as illustrated in the video above, is used to measure ocular-motor activity while reading. The patient is asked to wear a pair of special goggles with infrared sensors, which records their eye movements. Once finished, a set of questions determines the patient’s comprehension level.

An analysis is conducted and presented in graphs, resembling that of an EEG,  and reports, comparing the students ability against standardized results for their grade level. A real-time simulation also plays back the recording for parents and patients to observe eye movements throughout the paragraph.

attention disorders, convergence insufficiency, visual processing disorders, and reading/learning challenges to just name a few.  These problems can not be solved with surgery, patching or glasses alone.